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Unique and Inspiring 2021 Marriage Proposal Trends

Hello lovely,

It’s been a tough 18 months for weddings and wedding vendors and I think we can all agree that we’ll be glad to see the back of snap lockdowns, isolation and the general disruption that ensues.

However, the opportunity to strengthen our relationships during this time has been invaluable. A chance to really get to know and fall in love with each other.

Wherever we are in the world, one of the silver linings of this global pandemic is that we have become more in touch with what is really important to us. We have taken the time to be grateful for what we have and the people who are in our lives.

Getting back to the simple things has been great for our relationships (even if we haven’t always been able to be in the same room!)

So, it’s only natural that loved up couples continue to get engaged despite the chaos in the wide world.

LOVE 1 - COVID-19 0

Marriage Proposal Ideas During Covid

When you get engaged, everyone will want to hear how the proposal happened. It’s a story you’ll be telling for the rest of your lives.

So, it’s no surprise that you want to make it memorable.

As we continue to navigate the tricky coronavirus landscape, many things have needed to evolve and change and marriage proposals are no exception.

In 2021, proposal trends are all about privacy, intimacy and personalisation.

The global pandemic has really shifted the focus away from large public displays of affection (goodbye flash mob!) and towards creative and hyper individualised proposals.

Lovers around the globe have become super creative with their proposals and I thought I would share a few of my favourite proposal trends for 2021.

Romance and goosebumps guaranteed.

Image Source: Unknown

Unique and Inspiring Marriage Proposal Trends in 2021

Intimate Proposals

This one is a timeless classic for a reason.

Your intent to propose might be the best kept secret since the recipe for Coca Cola or every man, woman and child for 30 kms might be in on your plan.

Either way, when the time comes, it’s just the two of you. In the moment. Intimate and private. Sharing and expressing your feelings of love.

Whether you find a quiet outdoor space, book a staycation or do it from the comfort of your own home, making it about the two of you is what really makes it special.

What you actually do, will be different for each couple. The specifics of getting down on one knee, preparing a speech or including a famous quote or lines from a movie will be down to your individual preferences.

What is important though, is intention.

Nature Proposals

With such beauty on our doorstep and the vast landscape at our fingertips, Australia offers us a plethora of opportunities to propose against a breathtaking backdrop.

Hiking, cycling or any other activity in one of our National Parks, up a mountain, at a river or lake or at any point on our iconic coastlines offers a unique proposal opportunity neither of you will forget in a hurry.

Image: Aileen Choi

Travel Themed Proposals at Home

For those who envisioned a destination proposal on their trip of a lifetime, instead have had to think outside the box. They are finding creative and inspired ways to bring their dream destination to them.

Think about transforming your backyard, living room or other space into Paris, Rome, London or New York. Replicate your plan to get engaged at these iconic places by filling your home with lighting, candles, flowers, decorations and other props.

At home proposals are just as romantic and meaningful as any other grand gesture, public or otherwise. They give couples the chance to savour the moment in private before sharing their joy with others.

The key is that it comes from the heart, is thoughtful and means something to you both.

Popping the question in this way would certainly put a unique spin on quarantining together and leave you with such positive memories of what has been a challenging time for many.

Image: The Proposers

Picnic Proposals

As an extension of the intimate and outdoor theme just discussed, this is a proposal trend that is hot right now!

We are blessed in Australia with beautiful outdoor spaces, an incredible climate and a high quality of living.

What better way to take advantage of all of these things, than setting up a romantic picnic for the two of you, celebrating your love, making a magical proposal and planning your future together.

Choose a location that means something to the two of you, showcase your favourite foods and drinks and let love take care of the rest.

You can make it as simple or extravagant as you like.

And the bonus is they make for spectacular photo opportunities.

In Perth? Need help with the set up? Why not check out Picnic Avenue @picnic.avenue (Facebook and Instagram) and Mez can take your ideas and help you bring together a proposal picnic your special someone won’t be able to turn down.

Image: Picnic Avenue

Non-Traditional Engagement Rings

Your soulmate not a fan of the diamond?

No worries….

There are so many stunning rings out there that work just as well for popping the question.

Remember, this is all about the two of you. What you want to reflect your love and relationship, so if that means ditching the diamonds in favour of your birthstone, family heirloom or other magnificent gemstone, then so be it.

If locally and ethically sourced stones are important to you both, go for it. If your partner would prefer no stones at all, do it.

If you’re going down this path, it’s important to know your partner’s style so you can make a decision about what they would like to wear on their left hand from here on in.

Alternatively, you can combine this with another trend amongst couples - joint ring selection.

Image: Linneys

Choosing an Engagement Ring Together

Traditionally, proposals are accompanied by a ring. The groom-to-be has probably spent a staggering amount of time agonising over its selection.

Now however, we are seeing more and more couples proposing without a ring or even with a stand-in ring and then working together to find their forever ring.

An engagement ring is a significant expense and you’re going to be wearing it for a very long time, so you both need to be happy with that investment.

If you can’t find the perfect ring for you in store, there are plenty of jewellers that will work with you to create a bespoke design to flawlessly flatter your fingers.

Here at Etta Mae, we are suckers for the classic and timeless style, but I love the idea of finding a ring that is different from the traditional.

I also love the idea that both of you have an input in such an important investment and lucky for you this 2021 proposal trend isn’t going anywhere soon.

Image: Lilia Nash Image: Rahaminov Diamonds

Pet Proposal

I love this trend.

For all the animal lovers out there, it’s certainly a heart melter.

Whether you have a cat or dog, a horse or alpaca, or any other furry friend, consider including them in your proposal planning.

It might just quell the butterflies in your belly, knowing you’ve got an ally during one of the most nerve-wracking moments of your life.

There are many ways you can include your pet in your romantic gesture. Here are a couple of ideas to get your proposal planning flowing...

a) Add a special message to your pet’s collar. It’s simple, subtle and adorable. You just have to work out a way to get your loved one to notice it!!!!!!

b) Get your pooch to deliver the engagement ring at the crucial moment. This one takes a bit of planning and plenty of training in advance, but if you can pull it off, it’ll be awesome!

If bringing the ring to you is a bit too tricky (my labrador puppy has got no chance with this one hahaha), then perhaps a balancing act on their nose would work?

c) Dress up for the occasion. Go all out and this means your pet too. Matching bow ties anyone? Add a board around their neck with your proposal message and boom! How could they say no to that?

Including your furry family member in your marriage proposal is a fun and romantic way to melt your special person’s heart and make a memory they will never forget.


Image: K9 of Mine Image: Longs Jewellers

Zoom Proposals

Zoom is booming!

Since face to face meetings have been restricted, we’ve been turning to technology to help us spend quality time together.

Many proposals use the buzz of a party and the organised gathering of all their friends and family as a backdrop to pop the question.

That’s where Zoom (or another platform) comes in. Maybe you’re having Sunday lunch together, game night or a general catch up??? Or maybe you’ve invited everyone especially for this moment?

Image: Elite Daily

You could even try and hide the phone or computer to keep the surprise!

However you approach it, make sure you put everyone on mute so no-one misses a word.

The important people in you and your partner’s life will feel so grateful they were able to bear witness to such a special occasion

Alternatively, you can keep your actual proposal secret and intimate and then call everyone up on Zoom and share your wonderful news!

Which leads us to our last proposal trend….

Virtual Engagement Parties

Virtual engagement parties are another proposal trend that is here to stay (at least until we get on top of this pandemic).

No matter how and where you decide to propose to the love of your life, depending on where you live, it is unlikely that you will be able to have all your family and friends around to gather for a celebration afterwards.

Health and safety, as well as travel restrictions is front and centre on everyone’s minds so because of this, dialling in for a virtual party will remain high on the list of popular engagement celebrations for 2021 and into 2022.

Image: Juniper Rocks

We Love a Good Proposal Story!

Image: Shannon Fields - Twenty20

So those are the hot proposal trends for 2021.

Just like everything in your wedding planning journey, it’s about what reflects you as a couple.

One thing is for sure...people are finding all sorts of ways to make getting engaged special.

And let’s face it, we all love a good proposal story!

Have you come across any other proposal trends not in this post? Have you proposed or been proposed to using any of these trends?

Let me know in the comments how you are proposing, how you proposed or how you were proposed to. I’d love to hear all about your love story.

Good luck lovebird!

Happy proposal planning!

With love and laughter,


Planning a proposal and need a little something extra to alleviate the stress?

You’ll love these FREE resources!

Make sure you’ve got everything covered with this Marriage Proposal Checklist.

Not sure what to say? Have a look at our Marriage Proposal Speech: Top Tips to Make it Perfect for inspiration. It’ll give you some ideas to write the perfect proposal for you both.


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Keep an eye out for upcoming posts to help you plan the wedding of your dreams, a birthday to remember or any other reason you have to celebrate……

Until then...Enjoy!

*All opinions presented are my own. Any links provided to other companies or vendors are not affiliate links and I do not get any payment for using them.



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